timestamp1688028059628Your account: LogosWe have successfully resolved an issue pertaining to logo rendering and scaling, resulting in enhanced logo appearance in specific areas throughout the Ace Media suite. Notably, we have made improvements to how logos are displayed in
timestamp1623685025886Update: Reports Facebook postsWe have received confirmation from Facebook that the issue concerning data collection / display for Facebook posts has now been resolved.
timestamp1620827820000Update: Microsoft 365 Business users We understand Microsoft has cleared the quarantine and is routing emails appropriately. However, there have been reports that emails still aren't being released. Businesses that use Outlook to manage their email domains have noted that they
timestamp1619811000000Reports - YouTube dataIn order to comply with the YouTube API Terms & Conditions we have altered the manner in which we process and interpret the data YouTube provides. Data Ace Media will continue to collect and provide YouTube data including: Username Video