We have successfully resolved an issue pertaining to logo rendering and scaling, resulting in enhanced logo appearance in specific areas throughout the Ace Media suite.
Notably, we have made improvements to how logos are displayed in the dropdown client menu and when viewing clients through Your account. As a result, favicons are now prominently showcased, providing a more visually appealing and consistent user experience.
These updates ensure that logos are presented accurately and aesthetically, reinforcing brand identity and creating a cohesive visual representation across the suite.
]]>However, there have been reports that emails still aren't being released. Businesses that use Outlook to manage their email domains have noted that they have had to manually release emails from quarantine on their own: https://twitter.com/MSFT365Status/status/1391885462722121732
Ace Media will continue to collect and provide YouTube data including:
Video title
Publish date
YouTube subscribers
YouTube comments
YouTube likes
YouTube views
Data processing
YouTube subscribers will no longer contribute to the headline 'Reach' data displayed on the 'Analysis' page.
You may input a reach figure manually utilising the data we deliver. This help article explains how to do this: Entering reach data
Data updates
Your YouTube post and data will also now refresh every 30-days.