Reports: International Media Outlets
Our offline media database has grown by over 40,000 media titles serving US, Canada and France. Each offline media outlet is individually categorised by country. Look out for the flag icon that appears alongside the title to determine thetimestamp1631610229366
Reports & Press releases: Asset ordering
Need your assets to appear in a specific order, Ace Media has you covered. Manually reorder coverage clippings and press release assets using a simple drag and drop mechanism. Coverage clippings Press releasestimestamp1629880559797
Press releases & Lookbooks: Direct links
Press releases and Lookbooks created from 24 August ‘21 now include secure, randomly generated links. The key benefit of this new enhancement is that users can modify a press releases (title, body text, editors notes, file attachments) or atimestamp1628710740000
Interactive Guides
To help improve the Ace Media customer experience, we’ve introduced NEW interactive guides which can assist with onboarding, troubleshooting and FAQs. Our onboarding guides provide a step-by-step approach; introducing functionality at yourtimestamp1626716342977
Reports: Analysis
We’ve improved the layout, data display and added extra interactivity to the report Analysis What’s changed? Headline data: Greater emphasis has been placed on the headline data Introduction of both the Reach and Impact data for thosetimestamp1624048123120
Reports: Facebook Watch
Our reports tool can now handle Facebook Watch. Simply paste the Facebook Watch link into the online coverage field and Ace Media will deliver an embed of the video alongside associated engagement data.timestamp1623685025886
Update: Reports Facebook posts
We have received confirmation from Facebook that the issue concerning data collection / display for Facebook posts has now been resolved.timestamp1623332626662
Reports: Facebook posts
We have identified an issue with the Facebook API which is disrupting data presentation with Facebook posts. Our developers are aware of this issue and are prioritising a fix for this by working with Facebook developers. Unfortunately we’retimestamp1621349406360
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